Rebuilding the link with planetary and individual microbial health can begin with reintroducing exposure to beneficial microbes for the youngest of the humans.
There are at least as many microbes in and on you as human cells. We are more MICROBE than human and yet we have been at a “hygiene” war with microbes.
Fostering child health at a young age can be motivated by transitioning from sterile playgrounds to living, breathing,microbe rich playgrounds which is full of SOIL.
PLAY is an integral part of child development, health and well-being and studies have shown that early developmental play continues to impact well-being and health even when the child matures to an adult.
6 weeks- 2023
Speeltuin 2.0 reimagines urban playgrounds as probiotic spaces of play that illustrates the health benefits of "dirty" play for children while also regenerating soil health.
Extremely grateful to have developed this project with the guidance and support of Marieke Groos of the DOE school in Eindhoven, who lent their site for my design project and also considered it of value to hold a playground design workshop.
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Codesigning dream playgrounds using templates I designed with ten children of the DOE school along with Marieke.
Workshop outcome was not only part of my project but was of use to the school's discussions about a future playground.
This project would not have been possible without Cees Donkers(Urban Designer), Yasemin Arslan(Social Designer, Gemeente Eindhoven), Luuk Postems (Senior project advisor, Gemeente Eindhoven), Tana Baruetta (Food Scientist), Francis Hendrix (Playground team, Gemeente Eindhoven), Het Dekloosterbostuin, Shahryr (Behaviorial scientist) and Trepfunt Groen Eindhoven.